Welcome to Christ Church Pellon!
Christ Church is a living, vibrant, active Christian community.
We value our family atmosphere, our relationship with God and our outreach into the wider community and world.
On this site you will find details of who we are, what we are about, and what is happening. Please feel free to browse the site, and do contact us if we can be of any further help.
Coronavirus & Church Opening - Statement 15/06/2021
Following the goverments guidlines we at Christ Church have once again opened its doors to live in person Sunday services starting at 10:30am.
We continue to social distance and ask that mask are worn, unfortunatley we are still not allowed to sing.
When attending please either scan the QR code or add your name to the sign in sheet for Track & Trace purposes.
Do continue to stay safe!
Every blessing
Christ Church PCC
Our online provision currently continues - see us on Facebook for our Thought for the Day at 7.15pm and Sunday services at 10.30am.
For more details of the compline services or 'coffee & chat' meetings, contact us via the contact form or email [email protected]
Christ Churchis committed to the Safeguarding of Young People and Vulnerable Adults. Our Parochial Church Council has based its policy on the Church of England's policies and best practice on Safeguarding, which may be found on our Diocesan website –https://www.leeds.anglican.org/safe
Christ Church's policy is updated annually. The Parish Designated Safeguarding Officer is Mr Chris Butler who can be contacted at church or through the 'Contact us' tab on this site.
For more information, click here.